What wakes you up?
Have you ever felt like you are on autopilot, like numb, like a robot, avoiding even the real eye contact, living most of your day in a way that the interactions with others become like mechanical transactions? We can see and hear but we are blind and deaf. We lose sight of the other person without realizing that by doing so we lose ourselves in a way. I have definitely been there and many times! I have been the robot, and I have been invisible for others.
There are moments when something shakes me up and I catch myself, realizing that I am in that “robot mode”. Then I find arguments like I am tired, I am stressed, I am in a rush, this is the “way” it is, I say “I don’t even know that person”. And maybe yes, all of that is true, and so what? I will be tired, stressed and in a rush many times and I still want to be fully human and see the other person as the human instead of shadows here and there.
I have noticed that very often what wakes me up are the little acts of kindness and gratitude from others. When someone is really listening to me, when I experience the power of real “thank you”, eye contact or simply the real smile. All that very often takes me out of the “numbness” and wow it feels so good! At least to me!
Let’s be aware of the power of those small acts of kindness, let’s appreciate when someone takes us out the “robot mode” and let’s be kind with ourselves when we fall into the “robot mode” knowing that we can always wake up to the real human experience.
What wakes you up? What is the act of kindness that seems more powerful to you? Share with us.
It happened to me this morning. I was in robot mode for a few seconds and my colleague Miguel said… Hey Reggie! did you get stuck? jajaja….
It is important to identify those little seconds of deaf and, as you mentioned, appreciate the people to help you to get out of that moment.
exactly!! thanks God for people like Miguel that notice us, that sees us, and get us back! Thanks for sharing Reggie! Saludos!